LIVE Astrological Outlook - Featuring Elizabeth Jones
What's Going On The First Half Of 2018
Monday, Feb 5,  & Tuesday, Feb 6, 5:30pm Pacific (California) Time
FREE Listening Salon
Experience the 4-Decade Intuitive Astrological GENIUS that is the AMAZING Elizabeth Jones. 

Elizabeth learned astrology as a teenager at the feet of her grandfather and never looked back. 

Access the calls below for this FREE TWO-DAY event and understand "what's going on" for the first half of 2018. 

...AND how to personally use the astrological influences to move smoothly through the year and manifest abundance, health and whole relationships leveraging the stars...
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Day 1 - 2018 Astrological Outlook
Elizabeth starts by revealing the major events that will be influencing all of us on the planet no matter what our individual astrological charts are.

Five outer planets will be in Earth and water signs, which are feminine (moving from air and water), and the energy will seem slower while impacting things “closer to us.”

These dramatic changes will influence what we feel touch and feel... moving from the previous ages and realms of thoughts, theory, and mind... and now into more physical realms.

As a result of these influences, now is not the time to get off the path but instead align with these new energies.

We can use these influences to support us in changing health habits, shifting regimes, being more financially responsible, doing things that don’t overwhelm... reducing stress.

Right now, Saturn is in Capricorn, supporting us to prepare for these changes. It is helping us to: 1) find our center, stand our ground 2) stabilize the inner core of our being 3) be realistic about what we can accomplish, and 4) honor the physical reality. It is about focusing on “what would make you stronger?”

Some additional trends:

The old guard is holding on by a thread but, rest assured, the grounds beneath them are crumbling... 

The empowerment of women will get stronger.

There will be reforms around taxes and in the financial system. Radical changes are happening in finances, banking and money. The influences are focused on dismantling the patriarchal/masculine system.

There is a personal opportunity for us to get more practical and real... to see through the illusion of what humanity bombards us with, to identify our personal truths and drop falsehoods about ourselves. 

We also have a chance to be more connected with our body and the earth itself. By connecting with our true essence and our physical body, we can naturally connect with the natural and higher frequencies of the earth.

Earth is growing through an enormous evolutionary change. As we connect, we can become a beautiful part of it and stabilize ourselves even more.

There will be more “earth changes” in the form of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis over the next 7 years. 

Activation of the sacred and ancient sites could be a very real thing and/or we may discover their purpose. Earth religions may be revived in modern ways.

Authenticity is in.

Now is the time to connect with what is eternal and sacred in the earthly realm.
Your Replay:
Day 2 - 2018 Astrological Outlook - WOW!
Elizabeth starts with a review of the powerful 5 planets transitioning into earth and water signs from air and fire signs during this first half of 2018. 

Fascinating to integrate what happened from session 1...

Elizabeth also delivers a message to the lightworkers... something so profound and important that you will want to listen. 

NOTE: if you are listening, you are a lightworker!

Another major transition is covered: Saturn and Jupiter...

This transit symbolizes the time to commit to the things that will create a more solid foundation in your life, and it doesn’t have to be a major revamp.

Just look at what’s in front of you... and take that next step. It's an opportunity to let go of what is no longer necessary... get rid of what you likely won’t get to... and instead focus on what’s realistic and what’s viable.

Fundamentally, this Saturn/Jupiter transit supports you in tending to the business of living, not wasting precious energy.

You will dive into a deep overview of EACH MONTH, discovering a deeper meaning and connection to the amazing astrological occurrences enhanced by a Tarot card pulled for each month.

Finally, you will also receive one of the most remarkable Tarot readings for how to integrate and act upon ALL the information received and the overarching message of these next 6 months.

The synchronicities are astounding, Elizabeth mentions that the Tarot cards pulled were so in alignment with the astrological influences, even SHE was blown away.

WOW, this show will have you coming back again and again to access the support that is here for you as you awaken through these powerful transits each month.
Your Replay:
Astrologer, Intuitive, Elizabeth Jones
Astrologer Elizabeth Jones is bringing nearly four decades of experience as a guide to the stars extraordinaire. Based on her extensive knowledge of metaphysical and spiritual subjects, she will provide tools, insights, and guidance for maximizing the influence that the ever-shifting stars and planets have on your life.

These are powerful times of change and transformation and, Astrological intel, when based soundly in the principles of metaphysics, can offer informative pathways that assist you in better understanding the cosmic forces impacting you as you walk your own unique path towards fulfilling your Soul’s purpose.

Elizabeth has studied astrology and metaphysics since 1964, as a young teen. Her mentor and first teacher was her paternal grandfather, Ralph Jones, who studied astrology, metaphysics, and theosophy since the 1920s. His influence on Elizabeth was profoundly life-changing and set her on her life path at an early age as both a seeker and a teacher. This has allowed her to offer a depth of insight that is rare among her peers.
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